Title: Where Few Tread Fandom: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Characters: Kreia (Arren Kae) Rating: PG Word Count: 500 (five drabbles) Summary: You lie and lie and lie (I am too old for friends) until you begin to believe yourself.
Title: Where Few Tread Fandom: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Characters: Jaq (Atton) and Hal Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 500 (five drabbles) Summary: "I think I've still got some childhood memories you haven't managed to rip out of me yet."
Title: Where Few Tread Fandom: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Characters: Mical (the Disciple) Rating: PG Word Count: 500 Summary: Five drabbles about Mical's struggles as a Jedi.
Title: Where Few Tread Fandom: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Characters: various Rating: PG Word Count: 500 Summary: Five drabbles featuring various types of companions.
Title: Where Few Tread Fandom: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Characters: Jedi Exile (Brienna Juun), various Rating: PG Word Count: 500 Summary: Five drabbles featuring the Exile; before, during, and after KOTOR 2.